Today and everyday, we'd like to say "Thank You."

On this Veterans Day, we not only give thanks to the men and women we pay tribute to through the Scholarship of Honor program, but to all who have served and are currently serving to protect us.

15 years ago this week, the Brian LaViolette Foundation established the Scholarship of Honor Program.  It is an award that honors the service and sacrifice of our past and present military heroes.  At the same time, the scholarship recognizes a graduating high school senior with plans to enlist in the military or pursue a career in public safety or community service. 

Thanks to hundreds of donors, 302 Scholarships of Honor have been awarded nationwide. It's with a great deal of pride these annual scholarships allow families, friends, communities and students to give thanks and remember those who serve.

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You can learn more about the scholarships in this program and those we honor, here.

The Scholarship of Honor Mission
To honor, to remember, those who serve while recognizing dedication,  community service and selflessness in those who follow in their footsteps