Waupun High Alumni Remembered With Scholarship Of Honor

We are proud to announce the establishment of the Rachel Bosveld Scholarship of Honor.  It will be awarded this coming spring at Waupun High School, where Rachel graduated from in 2002.

Bob and Darlene Nueske have known the Bosveld family for years and were touched by Rachel’s story. She was the first woman from Wisconsin to die in the Iraqi conflict and was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star and her 2nd Purple Heart on what would have been her 20th birthday.   The Nueske’s are the generous sponsors of this annual award at Waupun High School, where she graduated from in 2002.  Rachel joined the Army upon graduation.

“Darlene and I have known Rachel’s family since our teenage years.  After Rachel was lost, we always wondered, just what could we do?  As I became closely involved with the Brian LaViolette Foundation, the vision was clear,” Bob Nueske states.  “The Rachel Bosveld Scholarship of Honor means a great deal to us, as we know the community and students of Waupun High School will always remember this brave young woman and also be inspired to make a difference in their life.”

Her brother Craig described his sister as an artist who loved to draw forest scenes, play the violin and act in her high school drama club. She hoped one day to become a graphic artist.

“I’m grateful for the Brian LaViolette Scholarship Foundation and to Bob and Darlene Nueske for making the scholarship possible,” said Marvin Bosveld, Rachel’s father. “She was honored to serve, to be able to go and I was proud to have her serve.”

The Rachel Bosveld Scholarship of Honor will be awarded to a student who plans to enter into our armed forces or into the fields of public safety or community service.  These noble fields include education, ministry, police science, fire safety and medical fields.

“Rachel was a very energetic, happy go lucky, giving person and I think her thoughts were always helping other people in any situation and those who were less fortunate,” said Rachel’s mother, Mary Bosveld.  

We look forward to paying tribute to this amazing young woman every year.