Donation to General Patton Scholarship of Honor in honor of Past Hero

In May 2011 we will present the General George S. Patton Scholarship of Honor for the first time in the city of Pilsen, Czech Republic.

To help perpetuate this scholarship, we received the first donation for the endowment from Kathy and Mickey Hoffman following the lead of Bob Nueske. The Hoffman's met Doug LaViolette in his recent trip over the anniversary of the Liberation of the Czech Republic by General George Patton's 3rd army in 1945. (See the previous blog post for more information on the Liberation festival.)

Since the scholarship will be awarded to a High School Senior who will be entering the military or a form of community service, the Hoffman’s made their contribution in honor of Kathy’s father, Charles Robert Lemmons. He served as a MP in the 16th Armored Division during the European campaign. In civilian life, his career spanned 36 years on the Police Force in Covington, KY. He never missed a day of work, retiring in 1979 at the age of 65 with the rank of Lt. Detective.

Kathy stated, ‘that he always told them that we are only on this earth to help people and that is how he lived his entire life.’ The Hoffman’s definitely have the same values as Charles Lemmons. Thank you for all you do.

We look forward to sharing more details about the General George Patton Scholarship of Honor...stay tuned!

Photos courtesy of Kathy Hoffman: Charles Lemmons in both his police uniform (before being drafted in 1943) and in his Army uniform.